

Lead UX Researcher and UI/UX Designer

Project Duration

October 2022 - May 2023


As part of the Google UX Design course, I created a comprehensive marketplace platform that allows buyers and sellers to easily connect with each other and engage in seamless transactions. With a focus on adult users, this app provides a variety of features, including a garage sale finder, personalized notifications, and a wide range of products and services.

The problems I was trying to solve while creating this app were the difficulties buyers and sellers faced in connecting with each other, the challenge of finding and browsing through local garage sales, and the lack of personalized features and options in existing marketplace applications.

The end goal was to create a comprehensive platform that addresses these pain points and provides a user-friendly experience for busy adults.

Understanding the User (User Research, Personas, Problem Statement, UJM)


To understand the pain points of our users, I conducted several methods including user research, user interviews, surveys, and usability testing. My aim was to identify the challenges and frustrations that users face when using existing marketplace applications and to uncover their needs, preferences, and behaviors. The insights I gathered from this research were used to inform the design process and create a user-friendly experience that meets the needs of our target audience, ultimately leading to a successful application launch.


1. Difficulty in finding relevant products or services due to cluttered or confusing search results. To combat this, I will need to improve the search functionality and design a more user-friendly interface.

2. Lack of personalized features, such as tailored product recommendations and notifications. To combat this, I would need to implement personalized features.

3. Inconsistent user interface across different devices or platforms, leading to confusion and frustration. To combat this, I would need to ensure consistency in the user interface across multiple screens.

4. Inability to effectively communicate with buyers or sellers, leading to misunderstandings or delays in transactions. To combat this, I would need to provide better communication channels for users.


To view the full persona research, click here.​​​​​​​

Starting the Design (Digital Wireframes, Low-Fidelity Prototype, Usability Studies)


I fell into the trap of designing first without cross-referencing the research I’ve done up till this point. I created this mockup based on visuals and layout, and during testing, I noted that users were trying to figure out how to message a seller for a product. In this screen, users were having difficulties finding where the access buyer and seller messages. On the product page, users noted down that there was also no direct way of messaging the seller for a product.


In fixing the issue from my initial screens, I added two ways to message a seller. I wanted the messaging feature to be a key feature since a majority of the products are sold by independent retailers. In this iteration, I added a messaging tab on the navbar for constant access to messages, and on the product page, I put a call-to-action button for contacting sellers.

To view more of the low-fidelity comparisons and mockups, view the files here:

1. It was observed that 5 out of 5 participants found it difficult to locate specific features within the application, such as filters and contact buttons. This means that I should focus on improving the navigation and placement of these features to enhance the user experience.

2. It was observed that 2 out of 5 participants expressed a desire for more customization options, such as being able to edit posts and see a seller's response time. This means that I should consider adding more customization features to the application to cater to user preferences and increase engagement.

3. It was observed that 1 out of 5 participants had concerns regarding the availability and selection of products or garage sales within the application. This means that I should prioritize increasing the number and variety of products and garage sales within the application to satisfy user needs and expectations.


To view the spreadsheet for each user study, click here.

1. Participants found it difficult to locate specific features within the application.

2. Participants expressed a desire for more customization options, such as being able to edit posts and see a seller's response time.

3. Participants had concerns regarding the availability and selection of products or garage sales within the application.


These findings suggest that I should focus on improving the ease of use and customizability of the application, while also ensuring a sufficient selection of products and garage sales to keep users engaged.

Refining the Design (Mockups, High-Fi Prototype, Accessibility)


My feedback suggested that my call-to-action buttons should have their own color, especially outside of an input field. The orange can be hard to read against another shade of orange, so I changed the inputs and texts in the new version to add better contrast. The screen on the left is the before, and the one following is after the changes.


I think both instances, visually speaking, work fine, but the issue with the first one is that there’s a ton of negative spacing between the text and buttons. Also, there’s no color distinction between elements



1. Ensuring sufficient color contrast between foreground and background elements for users with visual impairments.

2. Using correct language and terminology to make the app inclusive and welcoming for all users.

3. Incorporating voice commands and other assistive technologies to make the app accessible for users with disabilities

Going Forward


The project takeaways leading to the completion of this application include the importance of conducting thorough user research to identify pain points, needs, and preferences. Additionally, a user-centric design approach that addresses these pain points and delivers a seamless experience can lead to a successful marketplace application launch.


Through this process, I have learned the importance of integrating the UX design process to identify user needs, pain points, and preferences. By conducting thorough research and incorporating user feedback, we can create a user-centered design that addresses pain points and delivers a seamless experience, ultimately leading to a successful product launch.

Next Steps

1. ​​​​​​​Collaborating with developers to build and test a functional prototype for the application, with the aim of launching it live for public use.

2. Continuously gathering user feedback and iterating on the design to ensure that it addresses user needs and delivers a seamless experience.

3. Showcasing the design process and the final product to others as a teaching experience, highlighting the importance of conducting user research and following a user-centered design approach.