Narez building & development


UI designer and UX researcher

Project Duration

February 2024 - March 2024


reference sites provided by the client, such as and, we crafted a structured layout comprising six essential pages: Home, About Us, Services, Portfolio, Our Story, and Contact Us. Leveraging Squarespace, we seamlessly transferred the client's domain and meticulously created wireframes and mockups for each design iteration.

In addition to layout and structure, we curated visual elements, incorporating photos of past projects provided by the client and crafting written content to effectively communicate the company's services and ethos. Personalizing the branding for the company involved thorough research into the competitive market, enabling us to tailor the design to stand out in the construction industry.

Currently, the website is in the review phase and not yet live. The visual mockups can be viewed here.



The absence of existing media assets posed a significant challenge as we relied on the client to capture and provide photos of their past projects. Coordinating this process added complexity and extended the timeline for content gathering and editing.

Also, the client's lack of established branding presented a hurdle in creating a cohesive visual identity for the website. Without clear brand guidelines or assets, we faced the task of developing a unified design language from scratch.


This project highlighted the importance of proactive communication with clients regarding media requirements. Implementing a structured approach to guide clients in capturing and preparing suitable visuals can streamline the content gathering process and minimize delays.

The experience underscored the value of investing time in brand development before embarking on website design. By establishing a strong brand identity upfront, we can ensure consistency across all visual elements and enhance the overall effectiveness of the website in conveying the client's message.