Movie Tracker


Fostered a unified visual brand direction by creating style tiles, driving improvement in the overall brand recognition rate, and engaged with the client to facilitate an understanding of compiled research that resulted in the design on the live application.

Project Duration

November 2020 - December 2020


Movie Tracker or MVT is a website application that keeps track of the latest movies and series. It has a Google Login implementation as well as a database that allows for users to search up the latest information of their favorite movies.

This application is the second project I worked on with Andy Garcia (@garzeah). I used Adobe Illustrator, XD, and Figma to create the structure and presentation of the application. This project focuses heavily on it’s interface design, and its full design development can be viewed here.


Style Tile

Early Development - Wireframing



I tried to steer away from the heavy animations and kept it simple for myself and the developer. While I do still think it is plain, this website is the step in the right direction for creating accessible applications.

Going Forward

For my second website project, I was more mindful not too focus heavily on implementing popular interface and animations. We wanted to keep the layout simple and recognizable, and although I did not go in depth into the UX research for this project, I did reference a lot of the branding of other popular streaming sites to aid in my designing.