
UI designer and UX researcher

Project Duration

May 2024


I collaborated with a local Los Angeles artist to redesign his portfolio and art archive. He approached me with a request to transition his existing platform to a new one, incorporating layout changes to enhance the digital display of his artwork. To achieve this, I integrated HTML and CSS elements into the website, creating a streamlined navigation experience for users.

The live website can be viewed here.



Drawing from my experience with previous projects, I prioritized gathering all visual elements and client preferences before creating mockups. By ensuring that all requested features were included before seeking client feedback, I significantly reduced the workload and minimized confusion.

The project had a tight deadline, which required me to maximize user research within a limited timeframe. Additionally, ensuring that the desktop version's features were seamlessly translated to the mobile version proved challenging, as many pages did not initially align well across both platforms.


This project underscored the importance of thorough initial consultations. By gathering all client preferences and visual elements upfront, the design process became more streamlined and required fewer revisions. Detailed mockup reviews, which included all client-requested features before feedback, helped avoid misunderstandings and saved time.

Effective time management proved crucial, especially under tight deadlines. Prioritizing key tasks and focusing on high-impact areas allowed us to meet project goals efficiently. Ensuring consistency between desktop and mobile versions is essential; allocating time for cross-platform optimization ensures a seamless user experience.

Adaptability and flexibility were key when facing unexpected challenges, enabling us to maintain quality and meet deadlines. Clear, open communication with the client throughout the project helped manage expectations and ensured alignment with their vision. These lessons will guide a more efficient and effective approach in future projects, enhancing client satisfaction and workflow.